What if I need to cancel or modify a booking request?

Unplanned events happen from time to time. That’s why we made it easy enough for you to notify the Pet Owner in advance or on a short notice.


Manage your appointments:

  1. From any page, hover over ‘Account Settings’ at the top right corner and select ‘My Appointments
  2. Search for the appointment that you would like to cancel or modify
  3. Select the ‘eye’ icon to view the appointment.
  4. If you would like to cancel the appointment change the status to ‘cancel’.
  5. If you need to modify the day, time or type of service you can also do that as well.
  6. Once you’ve made your changes make sure you include a message to inform the Pet Owner of any additional details about the changes you made.
  7. Select ‘Send email to customer’ and that’s it. The Pet Owner will receive your e-mail with changes immediately so that there is no confusion about the appointment.