
How to Best Welcome a New Pet Into Your Home

Written By: Jessica Brody Website: Welcoming a pet into your heart, family and home is an exciting experience. It’s also a major responsibility. In the daze of adding your newest family member, it’s important to consider how they will affect your home life. It’s also important to create a safe, practical and welcoming environment […]

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Summer Vacation? Don’t Forget Your Pet-Sitter Checklist

  As summer draws nearer and those family vacation plans start to take shape, don’t forget one of the most important things: making sure you are ready for your pet-sitter! As much as we’d love to bring our pet with us everywhere, sometimes it simply isn’t practical and other arrangements must be made to guarantee […]

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Top 5 Most Apartment Friendly Pets

Are you thinking of introducing a new “little friend” into your household? For those of our readers living in apartments, special considerations must be made when deciding upon which type of pet to add to your family. Some of the most important factors to consider are space, maintenance and tolerance to being alone (especially if […]

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