Top 5 Most Apartment Friendly Pets

Are you thinking of introducing a new “little friend” into your household? For those of our readers living in apartments, special considerations must be made when deciding upon which type of pet to add to your family. Some of the most important factors to consider are space, maintenance and tolerance to being alone (especially if your home will be empty during the day).

Here at Mon Petit Ami, our team has done some of that research for you-read on and discover our list of the “Top 5 Most Apartment Friendly Pets!” You never know-you just might meet one who will soon become your new best friend!


Guinea Pigs: Also known as a “Cavy,” the Guinea Pig is a friendly and social little animal, requiring an enclosed cage of approximately 7.5 square feet (minimum). If you choose to adopt additional Guinea Pigs, more space will be needed. Guinea Pigs are active creatures and need space to play and hide, but are very loving, and do best with at least 2 hours of attention daily from their owners. Ideal for children over the age of 6 with adult supervision, a Guinea Pig can be a great starter pet, but they do require daily care and feeding, as well as routine nail clipping and grooming.

Reptiles: A pet reptile can not only make for an enjoyable companion, but also a great “display animal.” There’s nothing like a vibrantly patterned snake or a curious lizard to grab the attention of a guest! Reptiles in general are fairly low-maintenance pets, requiring a terrarium enclosure and the appropriate heat lamps and/or accessories, but can be a rewarding choice for the iconoclast who enjoys the idea of a pet that adds “flair” to their surroundings as well as companionship. The squeamish may want to beware though-the feeding of a pet snake usually involves mice, insects or fish, depending on the breed.

Birds: When discussing pet birds, it’s important to note that different breeds have their own distinctive traits-while Canaries are known for being more independent, their songs are beautiful, and the charming Cockatoo will pick up tricks with ease. Birds in general can be great for apartments, as the space requirement is fairly nominal (cage size is dependent upon the size of the bird you choose), but be forewarned-an overly noisy bird could inspire some complaints from the neighbors.

Fish: While arguably the most low maintenance pet featured on our list, the benefits of fish ownership go far beyond mere beauty: scientific research shows that the relaxing past time of observing fish swim can lower blood pressure, alleviate signs of ADD/ADHD in children and even halt the progression of dementia in Alzheimers patients. If you’re a first-time fish owner, there’s no need to go all out for a statement aquarium: starter kits, offered at most pet stores, will provide you with all the materials you need to keep your fish happy and healthy.

Cats: No list of “apartment friendly” pets would be complete without mentioning our friends of the feline variety. Unlike their canine counterparts, cats are perfectly contented to live in relatively small spaces, and are fairly independent, doing well during the day by themselves so long as they have access to food, water and their litter box. Additionally, cats require no special enclosures or habitats-they are most happy to sleep atop furniture, the sofa, or (more likely!) your bed.


Regardless of which type of pet you choose, it’s worth noting: always be sure to reference your lease to ensure that you aren’t in violation of any terms by bringing a pet into you apartment. If your lease states “No Pets,” simply speak with your landlord-most landlords will be willing to work with you, especially if your pet will be kept in an enclosure, but be sure to get permission in writing!

Large or small, there is no limit to the love and joy a pet can bring to your life, and we hope our list of The Top 5 Apartment Friendly Pets has helped bring you one step closer to finding your perfect little friend!